Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Chief Strict Constructionist and the Oath of Office

Chief Justice John Roberts badly mangled the presidential oath of office, the text of which is actually in the Constitution.

Roberts started by asking, "Are you prepared to take the office, Senator?" In fact, Barack Obama was already president, and had been since noon -- according to the Constitution.

Then Roberts got the oath wrong; President Obama tried gamely to go along. At the end of the oath as it is given in the Constitution, Roberts added to the offense by adding the words -- not in the Constitution -- "so help you God." Obama dutifully did repeat the words "So help me God," as has become customary. What is so peculiar about the Roberts addition of the words is that he spoke them as a question, as if he doubted the answer -- "So help you God?"

President Obama was a good sport about it, and even went over to Roberts at the luncheon that immediately followed the inauguration to pat Roberts on the back and brush off any hint that he had been offended.

Then, yesterday -- Wednesday -- President Obama took the oath again, administered by Chief Justice Roberts, using the correct words.

Wikipedia has a useful article on the oath of office.

See also Steven Pinker, "Oaf of Office," New York Times, 22 January 2009.

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