Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tom Ridge, Robot

Former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, the former Secretary of Homeland Security, has recorded a robocall for the McCain campaign warning of Barack Obama's possible terrorist sympathies.

The McCain campaign has launched a second robocall campaign painting Barack Obama as terrorist sympathizer and a potential threat to national security.

Narrated by former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, who identifies himself as "America's first Secretary of Homeland Security," the call suggests Obama would "give traditional civil rights to terrorists and talk unconditionally to dictators and state sponsors of terror."

This is hard for a Pennsylvania citizen to hear. Ridge, who has long been an opportunist pretending to be a principled conservative, has cast real doubt on his integrity as a former cabinet officer.

His call says

Hello, this is Governor Tom Ridge, America's first Secretary of Homeland Security. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because this week Joe Biden, Barack Obama's running mate, made startling comments that we must take seriously. He reminded us of Sen. Obama's inexperience when he said that America would face an international crisis that Sen. Obama would be unprepared to handle alone. If the Democrats win complete control of government they will want to give traditional civil rights to terrorists and talk unconditionally to dictators and state sponsors of terror. Barack Obama and his Democrat allies lack the experience and judgment to lead America.

Seth Colter Walls, "Second McCain Robocall Paints Obama as Terrorist Sympathizer," Huffington Post, 23 October 2008.

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